The holiday season is a time of hope. A time to set aside differences and embrace the spirit of brotherly love. Too often we lose sight of this spirit. We become completely engrossed in the mundane routines of our daily lives. We wade hopelessly through the year slowly drowning in the unforgiving seas of monotony. But the holidays provide a respite at the end of a perilous journey. A sheltered island upon which we pull together and gather strength to face the new year. In the most literal sense, the holidays are a time of rebirth.

There is nothing quite like the scent of fresh pine and the unmistakable crackle of an open fire. We find ourselves basking in the glow of colored lights as the sound of carolers softly echoes in the distance. It is a magical time. But late at night, after the lights have been put to rest and a shroud of silence descends upon the chilled landscape, this is when my mind begins to wander.

I cannot help but think to the future. What will be our fate? Are we destined to take hold of this holiday spirit and carry it as a beacon of hope and love throughout the year, or will we once again become immersed in darkness and despair? I pray that it will be the former, however, I fear that it is going to be the latter.

It seems to me that we Americans have lost our way. We yearn for a kind and gentle shepherd to guide us. We look to the grossly overpaid professional athletes and movie stars to be our role models. We are captivated by their good looks and glamorous lifestyles. We do them a disservice by very nearly worshipping at their feet when what they truly need is our pity. They are trapped in a world of deceit and greed, bound by chains of self-absorption. They are in no position to be role models. Meanwhile, our eyes remain blind to those everyday heroes that deserve our utmost attention and praise.

There is one such hero that I personally hold very close to my heart. He has been forgotten and left in a state of perpetual obscurity. I am referring, of course, to Aquaman. Sometimes I ask people what they think about Aquaman and I always get some version of the same answer. “He is a second rate superhero with unimpressive super powers. He is useless on land and there are very few crimes committed at sea.” The same misconceptions and lies handed down from one generation to the next. I often wonder if there is some massive conspiracy at work here. A second gunman on the grassy knoll, if you will. Well I can no longer sit idly by and watch this disgraceful miscarriage of justice. The truth must be revealed.

I say, without hesitation, that Aquaman has no equal. Yes it is true that he lacks the power of flight and he cannot shoot laser beams out of his buttocks. He has no spunky sidekick or fancy logo emblazoned on his chest. But what do these flashy gimmicks really add up to? Superman struts around with his chest stuck out as if to say, “look at me everyone, I’m the man of steel.” Such a display is clearly an expression of deep seeded insecurities. Aquaman makes no such pretentious displays. He is confident in his own ability and he lets his actions speak for themselves. Everyone knows that he is an excellent swimmer. What they do not realize is that he is also a very fast runner with an above average throwing arm and a quick bat. These attributes make him special, however, it is his ability to inspire others that makes him great.

Perhaps you recall the most famous reindeer of all. That’s right, the amazing Rudolph himself found inspiration in Aquaman. In his memoirs, Rudolph writes, “I was truly down on my luck. Ostracized from the reindeer community, I had been labeled with the tag of sideshow freak. Even the lowly elves would not associate with me and I sank into a deep depression. I began putting on weight and spent most of my waking hours plotting the death of that aging fat man who remained ever jolly in the face of my suffering. Finally, I decided to end it all. Traveling to the distant ocean, I threw myself into the frigid waters. It was then that he swam into my life. Aquaman could have just saved me, offered me some hot chocolate and sent me on my way. That would have been easy and painless. But instead, he sat me down, his hands firmly but tenderly clutching my antlers. He spoke to me as a father to a son. He talked about the value of perseverance and admonished me for feeling sorry for myself. He explained that I didn’t need their lousy reindeer games and assured me that my day would eventually come. I did not completely understand what he was saying, but he convinced me to carry on. Then one foggy Christmas Eve, I found out what he meant.”

But despite this, there is still the misconception that Aquaman has a simple job. “He just flounders around in the ocean while real superheroes are fighting crime on land.” It is true that few crimes are committed at sea and if the sea was inherently free of crime I would agree that Aquaman has had it easy. But try as they might, his detractors cannot deny the unmistakable fact that the sea is not inherently crime free. There was a time not so long ago when the high seas were ruled by pirates. These swashbuckling marauders roamed the oceans proudly flying the Jolly Roger and unleashing a furious reign of terror. They had fame and fortune and were feared by even the most stout hearted of men. So what drove the pirates from the ocean? Was it a sudden urge to move into western Pennsylvania to play baseball in a football town where three mighty rivers converge? I think not. The seas of today are safe because a lone man in a green and yellow swimsuit made a stand.

So then why does Aquaman stay at sea after having rid the oceans of pirates? Before we make the assumption that it is because he would be ineffective on land, let us take a closer look. First we must realize that Aquaman is a compassionate hero. He is always thinking of the other guy. This includes taking into account the sensitivities of the land based superheroes. There are scores of them fighting crime all over the globe and yet the crime rate continues to skyrocket. Now how is it going to look if this upstart from the sea comes ashore and takes care of business. The Caped Crusader could not possibly handle such a blow to his already fragile ego. And what would become of the Boy Wonder? Besides, if Aquaman comes out to fight crime on land, who is going to prevent the pirates from moving back into action on the high seas. Let us not forget that three- quarters of the earth is covered by water.

So you see, I feel compelled to spread the word. I do this not for Aquaman. Tonight he sleeps comfortably with the fishes knowing he has served mankind well. He has no use for nor want of your gratitude. Rather, it is for my own selfish reasons that I write this. I sincerely hope that you stop and take a moment out of your busy day to think about what you have just read. Perhaps you will dismiss it and allow this forgotten hero to slip back into the depths of obscurity. But perhaps you will take something from this and pass it on to your friends and loved ones. Maybe when you hit a crossroads in your life and face a difficult decision, you will step back to reflect and ask yourself the simple question: What would Aquaman do? Maybe, just maybe, with Aquaman as our kind and gentle shepherd, we still have a chance to find our way in the world. An opportunity to take hold of that holiday spirit and carry it as a beacon of hope and love throughout the year.

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