Behind The Glass?

The optimist sees this glass as half full. The pessimist sees it as half empty. Then there's the fat dude, who doesn't take note of the glass at all because his eye is caught by that box of chocolate donuts sitting over there in the background. The donuts are calling out to him like the Sirens called to the brave Odysseus, and he, like Odysseus, is being drawn in by their sweet song. He is helplessly under their chocolaty spell. Ah, but wait. What's that off to the right? It's a bit blurry but could it be? Oh yes, it's a low fat yogurt, the one thing that can break the spell and spare this fat dude from certain death by chocolate. You might think this sounds unrealistic. The idea that a fat guy is going to choose a low fat yogurt over a scrumptious donut. Well perhaps you didn't realize that that's a Dannon yogurt sitting there. That's right, fruit on the bottom Baby! Those wonderful luscious peaches just sitting down there like buried treasure waiting to be dug up by some lucky fat dude. And let me tell you this. When he inserts the spoon and sees those golden peaches rise up to break the surface, suddenly it won't matter that he's mixing those peaches with low fat yogurt. You see, at that point, it will have nothing to do with yogurt anymore. And I assure you that something as insignificant as a chocolate donut will be long forgotten as fat dude and peaches become one. Fruity salvation I call it and boy is it ever something to behold.


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Super Store?

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Behind the Glass?

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The Truth about Pooh?

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Charles "Chachi" Arcola