The Glow?
Michael Jones, who works in the London office of Arthur Andersen and worked on the Enron account, is shown here in this artist's rendition testifying in Federal Court. The only question is this. What's with the purple aura surrounding him? Is this just a little artistic license on the part of the scetch artist or could it be that Mr. Jones was actually glowing as he gave his testimony. And if he was glowing, doesn't that raise some questions about his credibility? I mean, it seems to me that statements made by folks who are glowing should be taken with a grain of salt. After all, when you see a guy glowing he's gotta be either radioactive or under the possession of evil spirits and either way, he's not in complete control of his faculties. Certainly not in any condition to give credible testimony anyway. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I think we should stick to the regular non-glowing types when it comes to choosing witnesses to testify in federal cases.