The Juggler?

Oh, the tragic existence of the invisible object juggler. Without question, he's mastered a craft which involves far greater skill than regular juggling. After all, the things he juggles are invisible and that makes them so much more difficult to catch. You can see the intense concentration on his face as he attempts to handle the five invisible flaming torches in this picture. One false move and he could be seriously injured. But alas, to his close minded audience he is nothing more than a pathetic weirdo pretending to juggle by waving his hands up and down in a juggling motion. I think that perhaps only the invisible lion lion tamer goes more unrecognized for his work. Yeah, nobody ever really pays any attention to that guy at all. Owe, and we must not forget the invisible man himself, who also goes virtually unnoticed. It's a shame too, because from what I've heard he's one hell of a contortionist. Apparently, he can bend himself into all sorts of pretzel-like shapes and whatnot. At least that's what he claims anyway. Nobody's ever actually seen him do it of course.


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What's in a Pan?

Apples and Oranges?

The Juggler?

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The Truth about Pooh?

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