Old School?

They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks and that's apparently the case with Admiral Denis Blair of the United States Navy. Without a doubt, the man is from the old school. He's obviously not comfortable with these newfangled free standing microphone contraptions. Oh no, you can see he's definitely a big believer in the traditional hand held mike. You know how that goes. Guys like Admiral Blair were brought up during an era when it was thought that a man should always hold his own microphone, regardless of the circumstances. Well, times have changed but the Admiral hasn't. Sure they might be able to force him to speak in front of a free standing mike, but by God, they can't stop him from holding his hand up as if he were really speaking into one of those hand held jobs. In the end, he may look somewhat ridiculous holding the invisible microphone, however, more importantly, he is staying true to his principles and that, my friends, makes him a better man than most.


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