Which Is Better?
If you recall a while back, FBI Director Robert Mueller unveiled what he referred to as his “unstoppable” karate chop move, the very one he intends to use in the fight against terrorism. Well now, CIA Director George Tenet has come out with his own CIA version of the karate chop move. Unfortunately, this clearly demonstrates that despite all the talk about sharing information between agencies, the FBI and the CIA are still functioning completely independent of one another. You see, Mueller and the FBI insist upon using the old school rigid hand approach when it comes to the karate chop move while Tenet and the CIA have adopted a less rigid cupped hand approach. Which move is more effective? It’s not my place to say. Each one has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the bottom line is this. Unless we as a Nation decide on a single unified karate chop move, I fear the War on Terror will ultimately be lost.